by Robert Bosh
I feel I must submit this to get the Christians in this country to WAKE UP. There is quite a debate in the Christian community about whether we as members of the Kingdom should be involved in the world. I would submit that as citizens of the […]
By Kerry Denten (from Storm-Harvest Ministries)
Here’s the thing .. Jesus said “I will build My church ..” and then He commanded the disciples to go and extend the Kingdom the way He’d showed them over nearly two years; by healing the sick, casting out devils, raising the dead, etc. Notice this … Jesus […]
-by Darren Smith (
About a month ago during a time of great trial in my walk, Jesus
the Lord spoke to me about being a true follower of Him, not a
nominal believer but a true follower. The word I heard was that
America is the hardest place in the world to […]
By Kerry Denten (from Storm-Harvest Ministries)
I was getting ready yesterday to go out to my Grandmother’s 95th birthday
celebrations. While I was in that “autopilot” mode you get into while
showering and dressing, I found my mind wandering to considering some of the
larger organized churches around Australia and other parts of the world […]
By Eric Wheeler
[email protected]
When it was time for the Messiah to be introduced into the world for His first Coming, God sent the Archangel Gabriel to visit Zacharias, a priest who served in the Temple. Gabriel told Zacharias that his wife, Elizabeth, would soon give birth to a baby boy which he […]
By Eric Wheeler
[email protected]
Shortly before his death, the Apostle Paul warned us that many in Christendom would soon fall away from the truth of God’s Word and would began to embrace fables taught by men. He prophesied, “For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, […]
by Greg Turner
What is the book of Jonah about? Is it just a simple bed-time story to tell kids to get them interested in the Bible? Maybe. Or was it recorded so that Jesus could point to it so that His disciples would have a sign about His death and […]
by Eric Wheeler
The Holy Spirit has been talking to me about the way in which God chooses to work. He does not do things according to the way that we think they should be done. For it is written, "My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways […]
By Teresa Wheeler
[email protected]
A subject that has been on my mind and heart lately, and one that I believe to be an issue to anyone in the church in America, is that of reconciling being a Christian with being an American. Apart from the natural pride in one’s country, there seems […]
By: Eric C. Wheeler
Email: [email protected]
(written from 12/27/99 through 9/20/00)
In the spring of 1995, God gave me a vision of the Second Coming of Christ. Instead of being an actual event, He showed it to me in terms of the sweeping changes that will shortly take place in Christianity and in […]
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Christian Fellowship Locations
Monday Night Bible Study:
Location: Todd and Megan Kack's home Address: 11236 W Coal Mine Dr., Littleton, CO 80127, Map
Time: Begins at 6PM
Phone: 303-906-2883
Email: [email protected]
Tuesday Night Bible Study (Houston, TX):
Location: Greg and Jacque Turner's home
Address: 3023 Smokey Hollow Dr, Houston, TX, 77068 Map
Time: 7:00pm
Phone: 720-335-1744
Email: [email protected]
Friday Afternoon Lunch/Bible Study:
Location: Bob and Sue Bosh's home
Address: 1385 S. Seneca Ct., Denver, CO 80223 Map
Time: Free lunch provided at noon; Bible study typically begins at 12:45
Phone: 303-692-9641
Email: [email protected] a>