I sent this message to friends that sent me a box with cookies and money because they were moved by the Lord to do so. I did not ask them for any of it.

Hi All,
I got your box today. Wow! The Lord is truly awesome. Thank you so much for this and doing what the Lord tells you to do.
I gotta tell you what happened and why this is even more awesome than you know.
Two days ago I was rather discouraged and so I went for drive. That made me even more discouraged because I drove by a park and saw all the little kids playing and it was such a nice day out – like 81 degrees. I just wanted to be in the park playing with my son sooooo bad. As I was driving home the Lord told me to get $100 and give it to the elderly lady that I am staying with. I was angry and choose not to believe that it was the Lord. The next night (Monday) the lady told me that she was out of money and that she was going to have to go get food stamps! Of course I felt like an ass at that moment knowing what the Lord told me to do the day before when I was sulking about my son. So today as soon as I got up I went to the bank and got the money and brought it home and gave it to her. She was shocked and amazed all at once. I felt the Spirit surge thru me and got chill bumps all over my body. That was strange as it never happened before when I did something like this. Still not sure why that happened. Anyway, realize that that was my last hundred dollars and I just said well it’s all on you Lord. I have no money and almost no food. About four hours later as I was reading my bible on my computer the door bell rang. And what do you know it is the box you sent plus the $100 plus $50 on top of that. Unbelievable – although it should be! Yet, I never want to get over being exited about the things the Lord does. I love having a relationship with the true God and creator of all things. I bet you had no idea how much what you did was a part of what He is doing. The complexity is amazing! What is even more awesome is that the lady here answered the door to recieve the package and gave it to me. I then opened it and found the letter with the money. I showed it to her and thanked God for returning to me the money I gave her plus interest. Her eyes got really big – as big as saucers! She KNOWS that it was from God and that there was no other way. I can tell it really has her thinking now.

Thanks again so much for following the Lord and doing what He tells you to do!
Love you guys and God be with you!
Greg Turner


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