The Deep Things of God (chapters 1-2)
Note from the moderator: This is a 3-part installment series that I want to share with Sharing the Way subscribers. It currently has a total of 6 chapters to it. I will send it out in 3 installments (of 2 chapters each) over the next few days. I submit it to the readers in hopes […]
A leader from the house church movement in Henan Province
reports on the continued remarkable work of God in China:
The things we are seeing now are beyond anything we ever saw or
even thought possible. For example, during ‘Gospel Month’ – a
time when we ask every believer to lead at least […]
By Ray Ashmore (Storm-Harvest Ministries)
The Kingdom and the Church: Every gathering of believers is an expression of the Church, the present “body” of Christ on earth, and is commissioned to reach out to every tongue and tribe and nation, breaking down walls among people groups through the reconciliation that is in Christ. The […]
By Jerry Olson
[email protected]
I wanted to first start this part 2 of my testimony with a few Scriptures about testimony. Luke 5:12-15: “And it happened when He was in a certain city, that behold, a man who was full of leprosy saw Jesus; and fell on his face and implored Him, saying […]
Note from the moderator: As I was reading the article below from Andrew Strom regarding the need for “mighty demonstrations of the Spirit” to accompany the faithful preaching of the Word, I was reminded of a powerful vision that the Lord gave me a number of years ago. The Lord told me in a vision […]
By Jerry Olson [email protected]
After reading Greg’s e-mail posted on entitled “Be Willing to Share What God is Doing“, I thought that I should share my last experience. Many of you know me and also know that nearly 3 years ago when I was diagnosed with prostate cancer, I felt led to […]
-by Lonnie Mackley ([email protected])
In this last move of God upon the earth He has placed many people
into lives that He knew would be full of denial, restriction, loss, and
many other things happening that might make us look like what
people call a "loser". Then comes the wilderness, which seems […]
by Debbie "dkchac" ([email protected])
Have you found yourself, as a chosen servant of God, struggling
with other people’s jealousy so much that you feel stunted in your
ability to do all that God has called you to do? This seems to be
so debilitating. We struggle to stay away from pride. What […]
By Ian Hall ([email protected])
What would the modern church do to Jesus if He were on the earth today?
– They would tell Him to say a little prayer.
– They would invite Him to their church.
– They would tell Him to give ten percent of his money to the church, and […]
Note from the moderator: This is an article that I received from Jerry Olson back in June of this year. I just received an update from him which I will also send out with this mailing, entitled “Update: My Letter to Dr. Tippin“. In it, Jerry describes his ministry (service) and the message of healing […]
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Christian Fellowship Locations
Monday Night Bible Study:
Location: Todd and Megan Kack's home Address: 11236 W Coal Mine Dr., Littleton, CO 80127, Map
Time: Begins at 6PM
Phone: 303-906-2883
Email: [email protected]
Tuesday Night Bible Study (Houston, TX):
Location: Greg and Jacque Turner's home
Address: 3023 Smokey Hollow Dr, Houston, TX, 77068 Map
Time: 7:00pm
Phone: 720-335-1744
Email: [email protected]
Friday Afternoon Lunch/Bible Study:
Location: Bob and Sue Bosh's home
Address: 1385 S. Seneca Ct., Denver, CO 80223 Map
Time: Free lunch provided at noon; Bible study typically begins at 12:45
Phone: 303-692-9641
Email: [email protected] a>