By Ian Hall ([email protected])

What would the modern church do to Jesus if He were on the earth today?
– They would tell Him to say a little prayer.
– They would invite Him to their church.
– They would tell Him to give ten percent of his money to the church, and rebuke Him for giving it (and more) to the poor.
– They would give Him self-help books to heal his “inner hurt.”
– They would tell Him that He needed to get rich in order to receive God’s blessings.
– They would tell Him that apostles and prophets don’t exist anymore, and that most of the spiritual gifts aren’t for today. BUT being a Church greeter is a “spiritual gift.”
– They would tell Him to go to seminary school to “perfect” his preaching gift.
– They would tell Him, with their actions, that it is OK to sin, as long as you either, (a) Hide it well enough, or (b) Use Scripture to justify it.
– They would tell Him to stop playing with the children during the sermon.
– They would tell Him to stop preaching repentance, because people don’t like it.
– They would tell Him to preach messages with a “warm, upbeat” message that make people feel good, so that more people would come to His church and that He could pay His bills for His church building.
– They would rebuke Him for saying that the church is people, and not a building.
– They would tell Him to stop hanging out with ‘sinners.’
– They would rebuke Him for making “communion” a meal.
– They would rebuke Him for calling several people in church authority “hypocrites.”
– They would tell Him to stop healing people, because that isn’t for today.
– They would kick Him out of the church for knocking down the pews and pulpits.
– They would gossip about Him, and say that He was starting a “cult.”

Taken from with permission.

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