The following messages were to given to Carol Becker recently. She felt she should share them as described in Matthew 10:27.

By Carol Becker,

[email protected]

“They are fooling themselves the Lord says, they are fooling themselves. How can they do anything for Me when they can’t help themselves
You sit around in a circle and declare you know me, when you haven’t taken the time to spend with Me. I’m your God and there is none before Me, serve Me, not your church or yourselves.
You boast with pride that you know Me on a personal basis and that you hear from Me. How can you hear from Me when your heart is far from Me?
You seek the rewards of men and not God.
My word is not in your mouth and My love is not in your heart.
Deceived you are deceived.”


“Please be of good cheer, your life is in my hands.
This world is not deserving of your slightest thought.
Not even one minute of one day should be spent on the things of this world.
I’ve come to give you life and for it to be more abundant.
Life cannot be obtained through this world.
Your concerns are not my concerns.
Your ways are not my ways.
How can you live in this world and still live in the kingdom?
They are far apart and can never meet.”



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