Incredible Revival Fire in China!
A leader from the house church movement in Henan Province
reports on the continued remarkable work of God in China:
The things we are seeing now are beyond anything we ever saw or
even thought possible. For example, during ‘Gospel Month’ – a
time when we ask every believer to lead at least one person to
Christ – there were 120,000 conversions in Henan alone.
God worked with us, confirming the word with signs and wonders.
Without these miracles, man alone would not be able to
accomplish anything.
Three sisters went to Xinyue District in Henan to evangelize, and
after seven days of ministry 1,100 people repented and were saved.
It was as if there was fire in their hands, for whoever they laid their
hands on, they immediately experienced a ‘burning’ sensation all
throughout their body.
As these three sisters were evangelizing, a man came up to them
and began to curse them. However, they paid no attention to him.
After a long time others came to the sisters and said, ‘Why is it
you show compassion to this man, even though he is cursing you?’
As soon as they said this the man collapsed and died. It caused
great awe and reverence toward the Lord in the crowd of people
who witnessed this judgment of God.
Many repented and accepted Jesus. In previous years when
missionaries worked here, they didn’t see such numbers converted
even after several dozen years. We sense now that this is the time
for the Holy Spirit to mightily work through us.
Though there are many difficulties in open street evangelism here,
during the Chinese New Year festivals it is easier to go out into
the open to preach the gospel.
A whole group of sisters were preaching when some police
officials suddenly appeared.
One stretched out his hand toward the sisters and shouted, ‘Arrest them!’
However, immediately his arm turned stiff in its stretched out
position and he was not able to put it down or retract it. He went
back to the police station and in desperation asked, ‘What can I
do?’ Someone said, ‘You must find a Christian to pray for you.
Therefore they invited our preachers to the police station to pray
for him, and when they did, he was healed!
They then preached to the police and many of them accepted the Lord.
Previously, during our open air meetings, few people would pay
any attention. Now, everywhere when we go out with our
tambourines and other instruments to share about Jesus, crowds
of people stop everything they are doing to attend our meetings.
As we preach, many cry out, ‘We have never heard such good
news in all our lives. Why has nobody told us this before?’
The people forget about all their plans and activities and remain for
hours to listen to the gospel. It is truly the fire of the Holy Spirit
burning in our midst.
~Source: Revival Christian Church, Hong Kong.
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