Do You Feel Like A ‘Loser’?
-by Lonnie Mackley ([email protected])
In this last move of God upon the earth He has placed many people
into lives that He knew would be full of denial, restriction, loss, and
many other things happening that might make us look like what
people call a "loser". Then comes the wilderness, which seems to
be a super-loser looking kind of life where all your junk comes out
and you are even more restricted and challenge-ridden than ever.
At times, you can even despair of life itself, because you wonder
if things are ever going to get any better.
I just want to encourage you today that there have been many
people in the past that God has used in mighty ways that have
also lived a life similar to yours. They are people who have been
treated with great contempt and disdain by those they truly loved,
people with physical problems that greatly limited them, and
people who barely had enough money to survive on much of the
time. These people have been very often rejected, overlooked,
and excluded. It can be easy to think that you are just cursed.
There is one added element to your life, you are being prepared
for the greatest and last harvest of souls in human history. So
God has prepared many people who have been through the worst
of the worst, so that He can flow through them with the best of
His best. He needed people who had been wounded, and who
struggled with certain types of sin so that He could heal and
deliver them, and then send them out to help a world full of others
like them. There is great wisdom in God’s plan for your crazy life.
There may be many times that you are tempted to just say,
"What’s the point in going through all of this? I might as well just
create my own life because this is getting me nowhere". But there
has been a lot that God has worked out on the inside of you that
you may not even be aware. God thinks long term, so He will
make sure that all of the cracks in the foundation of your life have
been fully repaired first before He starts to build high upon you.
So be encouraged, you are not a loser, you are God’s winner.
HEB 11:38- "The world was not worthy of them. They wandered
in deserts and mountains, and in caves and holes in the ground."
~Taken with permission from the Forum at ‘RevivalSchool’-
See their website and discussion board-
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