By Jerry Olson
[email protected]
America and this world’s nations at large, find themselves in a crisis of belief, a time of great economic trouble, a darkness has set on the face of the whole earth. The economy provides our food, clothing and housing for each family throughout the world. For decades America and […]
By Francis Frangipane
When I first came to Christ, the Lord gave me a dream about my future. I thought that everything the Lord said was supposed to occur immediately; I didn’t know of the work of preparation and dying to self, of learning patience and maintaining vision through testing, that would occur before […]
Note from the moderator: This is a letter that the Lord had me write almost a year ago (4/8/08). After He gave it to me, He then told me to hold on to it and to not send it out then. I remember thinking at the time – “Lord, I can’t say this – people […]
By David Wilkerson (Sep 15).
The Psalmist writes, “The floods have lifted up, O Lord, the floods have
lifted up their voice; the floods lift up their waves” (Psalm 93:3).
The floods represent the rising waters of afflictions, the overwhelming
crises that are coming on the earth affecting multitudes. This is
the flood of […]
By Unknown
How often have we been tempted to give up on God, on prayer, on waiting, on patience and endurance, because God delayed in answering prayer immediately? How many parents, after praying for decades, have still not seen the salvation of a child? How many believers have prayed night and day for healing, but […]
By Eric Wheeler – 8/13/08
Dear saints and fellow believers in God,
I wanted to write to you to tell you to hold fast to that profession of faith that you have made in Christ Jesus. Put all of your cares on Him for He cares for you. Do not be dismayed […]
MARC WHITE WRITES: A dear friend and brother in the faith wrote this to us a few years ago after his work in southwest Africa exposed him to the bleak contrasts in cultures. God help us…
Fall 2003
Dear Marc,
Until you’ve lived outside the U.S. for awhile, you […]
– author unknown
A successful business man was growing old and knew it was time to choose a successor to take over the business.
Instead of choosing one of his directors or his children, he decided to do something different. He called all the young executives in his company together.
-Author Unknown
As you read this think about what you would do!
A few years ago a group of salesmen went to a regional sales
convention in Chicago. They had assured their wives that they
would be home in plenty of time for Friday night’s dinner. In their
rush, with tickets and […]
By Eric Wheeler [email protected]
Many people don’t realize it, but God made His plan of salvation (commonly referred to as “the Gospel”) a mystery! That is, He purposely hid the Gospel (which means “good news”) of the Kingdom of God from mankind. He made it a secret that is hidden from the […]
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Christian Fellowship Locations
Monday Night Bible Study:
Location: Todd and Megan Kack's home Address: 11236 W Coal Mine Dr., Littleton, CO 80127, Map
Time: Begins at 6PM
Phone: 303-906-2883
Email: [email protected]
Tuesday Night Bible Study (Houston, TX):
Location: Greg and Jacque Turner's home
Address: 3023 Smokey Hollow Dr, Houston, TX, 77068 Map
Time: 7:00pm
Phone: 720-335-1744
Email: [email protected]
Friday Afternoon Lunch/Bible Study:
Location: Bob and Sue Bosh's home
Address: 1385 S. Seneca Ct., Denver, CO 80223 Map
Time: Free lunch provided at noon; Bible study typically begins at 12:45
Phone: 303-692-9641
Email: [email protected] a>