By  Jerry Olson  [email protected]

After reading Greg’s e-mail posted on entitled “Be Willing to Share What God is Doing“, I thought that I should share my last experience.  Many of you know me and also know that nearly 3 years ago when I was diagnosed with prostate cancer, I felt led to not seek immediate medical help.  I could not even explain to myself the why of it.  However, just a few months ago, I felt led to seek medical help.  My PSA level had continued to climb.  PSA is the method used ro determine cancer-cell build up in the prostate.  My PSA level was measured at 23+ which is very high (anything over 4 is a concern).  I was recommended to see a cancer radiation specialist – specifically Dr. Douglas Tippin for evaluation.  He looked at my file and recommended a method for treating my cancer.  The following letter (below) was given to Dr. Tippin on the last day (the 31st day) of the treatments that I had been given over the past few weeks.

Our God is the Eternal God, and He has His hands on the pulse of the entire universe.  If we can get out of God’s way, so to speak, or better yet, be in tune with His will for our life and the lives He has placed around us, God’s work here on earth at this time, I feel, can be done.  All Christians have talents and the Holy Spirit living in us.  God said that if we fail to do His work, He will find someone else.  Either way, the will of the Father shall be accomplished!

To: Dr. Douglas Tippin
           From: Jerry Olson
          Date: Aug 30, 2006

Dear Dr. Tippin:
About a decade ago, Jesus gifted me with the gift of healing. First of all, God often communicates with me through dates and numbers. I waited 2 years after my cancer diagnosis to seek medical treatment. I could not
explain it even to myself.

Approximately 5 months before I even knew I was going to seek medical treatment, I was repeatedly shown the number 31.  I knew in the spirit that it was important but I had to wait to see that you were going to have me have 31 radiation treatments. The final treatment for my cure will be the 70 beads you will put into my prostate.  7 is a number for completion.

Shortly after I met you, I found out we have the same birthday.  I knew in the spirit that we were closely linked and that something significant was on the horizon, beyond you just treating my cancer.

You shared with me a few weeks ago that you have bone cancer.  I suspect you do not share that with most of your patients.

Upon hearing the news about your cancer, I was greatly overcome with compassion for you. You have a great bed-side manner. You are a healer yourself without the ability to totally cure yourself today of this very serious cancer.  However, all things are possible with God.

God works in mysterious ways.  We often do not understand His plan for us or the provision He makes possible.

It is by no means a chance cause for our meeting.  I very strongly believe God brought it about. I knew weeks ago that I needed to anoint you and lay hands on you. How God would work it out, I did not know until yesterday. I asked Karen, your nurse, how you were doing with your cancer.  She said that you had been doing better than most with a non-curable illness; however you had gotten very quiet of late. I could see great stress in your demeanor. I knew then that I needed to make you aware of the healing God has already granted you. You have more work yet ahead and this illness has given you great capacity and understanding in order for you to provide needed treatment for many others. At forty, you have much work and many lives will be saved because of your giftedness.

I instantly saw your faith in your response to my suggestion for God’s touch and your subsequent healing. Moses led God’s people right up to the edge of the Red Sea with Pharaoh’s army in hot pursuit and just before a way of escape was made possible. However, because they did not believe that God could give them the Promised Land, even though He said that He would, all but 2 adults died in the desert after 40 years of wandering.  A lack of faith had kept them from all that God had prepared for them.

I Cor 12: 1-9 – Gifts given by God
James 5:14 – Elders called for healing
Mat 4:23-25 – Jesus heals
Mat 9:10-13 – The sick need a physician.
Mat 6: 25-34 – Our Father knows our needs.
Mat 8:5-13, 17 – Great faith demonstrated
Mat 9: 27-29 – Two blind men healed
Mat 21: 21-22 – Prayer, believing, receive
Mark 11:24 – Jesus said, “Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them.”

In the name of our Great Healer, Jesus. 
Blessings to you!!!
Jerry Olson

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