God’s Plan Was Already In Place
By: Norma Guevarra

 I was brought up in a home where I learned about Jesus and that the Bible is the word of God. I knew all “ABOUT” God, because I was taught and I will always remember my grandma reading her Bible on the little porch

Then came High School where I met my husband. We graduated in June and were married in Dec.  I lived on the west side and he lived on the east side. I went to Sunday school and he went to Mass. He could speak a little Spanish and I couldn’t. We were from very different backgrounds, but we fell in love, got married and had 3 wonderful children. We went to church together and we raised our little family to know the Lord. Our family life was very close.

One night after being married 30 years my husband said, he loved me but that he had to leave. I really didn’t get it; I was confused and thought, this can’t be happening. It wasn’t until I watched the truck going down the street and the little red lights in the back of the truck disappear, that I knew he was really going. I thought my life was over. I was heart broken; it was like a sudden death in the family.

The kids were adults by now, but all of us fell apart. The marriage was over and we were all devastated. Each one of the kids handled the break up in their own way…. anger, drugs, alcohol, confusion and a lot of hurt. We were not prepared for this to happen, and surely didn’t expect it. I kept telling God what He should do to fix everything. I held on tight to God with one hand and with the other hand I was trying hard to fix it all. I felt worthless, rejected, ashamed, a failure and I had a lot of fear. I thought “of course it had to be my fault, I wasn’t good enough to hold the marriage together.” In those days myself worth came from what people said about me and I hadn’t learned what, God said I was.

God put it in my spirit to let go and give the mess to Him and to trust Him. I felt like my heart was torn in two but I continued praying for my family. I also prayed for my ex-husband, as I do today. I finally  let go and gave the burden to God. I would ask God, “what are you trying to teach me in all this mess” and it was at this time the women He created me to be started to come alive.

Things were getting worse with my kids. Even though they were adults none of them were walking with God. They all knew ABOUT God, but that was all.

I kept holding on to God, some times with just a thread, but I never let go because He was all I had. My communication with Him became more personal and I would talk to Him about everything. Especially when I was mad, lonely, confused, afraid and needing His help. I began to know Him in a personal way, not just what people told me about Him….what a big difference this made. My prayers for my kids became more intense and my passion was to have the Lord bring my children to their knees. Not because of mom but because of their love for Him. Things seemed to get worse, but in this time I was learning about faith and what it meant to walk and trust Jesus (even when you don’t see it happening).

Hebrews 11:1 now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. 2 Corinthians 5:7 for we walk by faith, not by sight:

My daughter soon became strong in her walk with the Lord. She started to pray with me for her two brothers although it seemed like it was taking forever. Every time things seemed to be going well, something would happen and we would start going backwards. We continued to pray. I felt like I was always saying, “when God, when?”  Nothing seemed to change, it was only getting worse. Drugs were taking over their lives.

Then my oldest son’s relationship with the Lord began to become alive and real. It was after a heartbreak in his life that he started to read the little devotional book, along with the Bible. He started seeking and God started changing his life. He began to realize that it was God that he needed, not a person or things.  Thank you Jesus for another answer to prayer.

But my youngest son (Mark) wouldn’t change. He started to get in trouble in High school, and never seemed to stop. At age 51 things still weren’t going well. He, his wife and son came to live with me when he had an accident and the home they lived in was sold. At the time, his oldest son was already living with me.  I continued to pray and believe. Could I handle this family, their cat and dog living with my dog, myself, and grandson? But God had a plan for us. Everything worked out and I became closer to my son during this time; something that wasn’t happening before.

His wife gave her life to the Lord, as did the two boys. So we were all growing in our walk with Jesus. But, not my son! In June of this year he was arrested and put in jail. I prayed,  “ I can’t fix this Lord but you can. Please touch his heart, it’s been a long time Lord.”

The next day he was home and told me, “mom something happened to me.” I wanted so badly to say something smart like, “really” but I didn’t. Mark said, “I believe God talked to me while I was lying on the bunk in jail.” I wanted so much to believe him, but I think I was protecting my heart…. were these just words.  He asked to talk to someone from my church and I remember saying, “who shall I call, you don’t even like my church.” He said, “mom I want to change, it’s not a church it’s me.”

God led me to call a man from our church and he came to the house to talk to Mark.  As he was praying, Marks back pain was healed and he said he felt warmth all over. My son’s heart was touched, as was his life. He was crying and so happy. Today, his relationship is still growing. He is the one who is leading prayer at home. He is telling his old friends what has changed him and he is so excited to share his new faith.  When I go to speak at the jail or the rescue mission, he prays for me and gives me ideas on what to say. I have to admit, they are very good ideas and very well received…. after all, he’s been there.

Just recently I found an old paper I wrote in 1992. At that time, I was crying out to God and praying, “when God when?” One of the things He said to me was, “write down what I will tell you.” One of the sentences jumped out at me as I read the old paper. God said, “ my child, my plan for you is already in place.” That was 21 years ago.

This thanksgiving Mark led the family in our thanksgiving prayer, before dinner, and I now understand that this thanksgiving dinner was already in Gods plan way before I could even imagine it.

1Corinthians 2; 9,10 But as it is written: Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things, which God has prepared for those who love Him. But God has revealed them to us through His Spirit. For the Spirit searches all things, yes, the deep things of God.

This is what is meant by scriptures which say, no mere man has ever see, heard or even imagined what wonderful things God has ready for those who love the Lord. I have learned the meaning of the song entitled, “IN HIS TIME.’’

Mark told me, “mom, thanks for not giving up on me, and being an example.” That touched my heart. God’s plan has always been in place and He knew the desires of my heart. God says, in Jeremiah 29:11, for I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

So I hope this encourages you. Whatever you’re praying for, don’t give up because the plan is in place. I adore my heavenly Father for never giving up on me. Ask God what He is trying to teach you, and then obey. Be an example in your daily walk for this will touch people more than words. He does have a plan for your life; let him complete it.

I read this to Mark after I wrote it and asked him how he felt about it. I told him I was going to speak at the church and he said, “Go for it mom, it says it all.”


Norma Guevarra


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