Prayer of a Sojourner
By: Jerry Olson 
Email[email protected]

 There is no fear in the presence and love of the Most High
Father let not my footsteps slip
Encompass me in your righteousness and loving kindness
You are my fortress and the Rock of my salvation

Surrounded by darkness, keep me from calamity and compromise
Teach me your ways, help me avoid damnation and depravity
Give me a clean heart, purify my comings and goings
Shield my heart from transgression, show me your perfect ways

Gird me Father with goodness and your loving kindness, your righteousness
Anoint me with a sound mind and a good and kind heart
Keep me in your forgiveness and grace eternally
Humble me and keep me from a prideful look

Forgive me for my foolhardiness, my folly and unsound ways
Let my mind focus on your ways
Let my feet run from iniquity
Let my soul find eternal joy in you
Let my mouth praise thee always
Let my eyes view your creation with awe
Let my heart soar like the eagle

Forgive my proud look and my selfish ways, Oh God
May your Spirit always speak to me like music in my ear
Make me wise in righteousness, Oh God
May I always bask in the light of your wonderful love

Father let me rest under your out stretched arms of protection
Father hug me in the night, draw close to me in your sweetness
Father love me as a mother hen, let your wings hide me from danger
Father keep me from darkness, let your light, light my path and guide my step
Father you are my foundation, never let me become slothful, keep me strong
Father you are my fortress, let not the wind of life blow me off track
Father keep me on the roadway, my destiny is in your loving kindness


May we always be with our Father and our Lord!
Jerry Olson
[email protected]



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